
Aaron is four years younger than Denice but a good 7″ taller. He’s been married to Elette for two years and they have one girl who is just about a year and a half. They live in an Eastside suburb called Sammamish. Aaron likes to fish, hunt, and ride his quad and works at a large lighting fixture company. Elette works as a cardiac nurse and likes to shop for their daughter. Aaron refuses to smile for pictures so I have to go to extreme measures to get a photograph showing his teeth. I don’t know why. He has a nice smile and big teeth, just like me.

Elette, Aaron and Kiana


Meouw. Denice calls me squeaker, because she thinks I squeak, but I don’t. I meouw. I am a healthily-built cat (some would say portly or even fat) that has chosen to let Denice look after me. I guess I have to live with Henrik looking after me, too. And they do. They feed me and they pet me, mostly when I want them to. I have also decided that they can sleep in the big bed as long as I can sleep there, too. They are warming me up very nicely.

That brings me around to one of my main interests. Or maybe I should say two of my main interests. That is sleeping (number one) and eating (number two.) The latter has the effect that I occasionally have to run in and out through the cat flap a lot.

I have also decided to let the dogs use the cat flap when they need to (although in their ignorance they call it a doggie door), because if there is one thing that is worse than dog poop in the garden it has to be dog poop on the carpet. Yuk!


I am a beautiful dog, and I am the one keeping an eye out around the house. I might not have any pedigree, or know exactly how old I am, but I’m definitively the one who keeps watch. And Bill, don’t say anything. I was keeping watch.

I really like the company of Denice and Henrik. I know I sometimes drive them nuts by wanting to be around them all the time, but I can’t help it. They are just too nice.

I am, and have always been, a trail dog and I love going for long walks, especially in a park or in the forest where I can run around and chase squirrels.


I am a beatiful Blue Heeler, also known as an Australian Cattle Dog. I am the one who has lived with Denice the longest. That is 16 human years, or all my life.

Me and Denice have had a lot of fun experiences through the years, and I still like to hang around her. However, our social patterns have definitively changed, and if you want my opinion I think that she has become a bit strange since I went blind and deaf. But that’s people for you. And if anybody says I’m snoring they are lying. I don’t hear a thing.


Claes is Henrik’s younger (but taller) brother. He has always been Henrik’s playmate and I cannot imagine many brothers having built more Lego constructions together.

Claes is married to Aija, and they have two (lovely) daughters called Ulrika and Ella. The entire family lives in Sollentuna outside Stockholm, Sweden.



Eva is Henrik’s older sister. She has always been looking after him to make sure that he behaves himself, at the same time as making sure that he is OK. She was always Henrik’s babysitter as they grew up.

Eva is married to Jan, and they have three (lovely) daughters called Josefin, Ellinor and Kristin. The entire family lives in Täby outside Stockholm, Sweden.

Eva with family